PaaS : Geolocation

action getLocation


Name Data Type Required Description Default
ip string required An IP to find the its location
enc string optional Encoding Method (either utf8 or euckr) utf8
ext string optional Flag for additional info (either t or f) f


const geoLocation = client.PaaS.geoLocation();

const geolocationResponse = await geoLocation.geoLocation({
  ip: ''

//  { returnCode: 0,
//   requestId: 'e03c4779-0740-45dc-9462-9cc0620ea597',
//   geoLocation: { country: 'KR', code: '3020054000', r1: '대전광역시', r2: '유성구' } }
const geoLocation = client.PaaS.geoLocation();

const geolocationResponse = await geoLocation.geoLocation({
  ip: '',
  ext: 't'

// expected Result =>
// { country: 'KR',
//   code: '3020054000',
//   r1: '대전광역시',
//   r2: '유성구',
//   r3: '구성동',
//   lat: 36.370724,
//   long: 127.3661,
//   net: 'Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology' }

results matching ""

    No results matching ""